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Meet SusanneThank you for visiting the online home of Mirror Ministries!
We are humbled and honored that you have invested your valuable time to search our site. We are grateful for the privilege of being of service to you.
Meet Susanne
Susanne Hughes met Jesus “face to face” in 1994; but when she continued to struggle over painful events from her past, she embarked on a journey of emotional and spiritual healing that led her to a life-changing, “heart to heart” encounter with The Lord.
That journey, and the resulting relationship Susanne shares with Jesus, birthed within her a deep desire to see others set free from their bondage of sin, shame, and guilt.
The Lord called Susanne to begin Mirror Ministries, a Bible-teaching, conference-speaking ministry to women. Through conferences, retreats, Bible studies, chapel services, and other ministry opportunities, Susanne presents the Truth of God’s Word with clarity while bringing a message of freedom and hope for spiritual restoration and healing. Since the start of the ministry, many have come to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior, while He has set countless others free from personal strongholds. God is using the experiences of Susanne’s life as illustration and evidence that, through the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, wholeness in Jesus Christ is possible.
In 2017, God expanded the scope of Mirror Ministries. In addition to the teaching and speaking aspect of the ministry, Susanne now meshes her education, professional background, and training with her love of The Lord and provides Christian counseling for women aged 12 and older. Women need an avenue for sharing the hurts of their hearts in a safe, accepting, loving environment with someone they can trust. They need someone who will direct them to The Word of God and His precepts for victoriously walking this journey of life. Mirror Ministries is that “safe place,” and Susanne provides that necessary, sound Biblical counseling.